SPU - Stability Police Units Course

DURATION 2 weeks

Crisis around the world are requiring a growing presence of robust and specialized police units able to tackle thosethreatswhich are typicalof post-conflict scenarios, like terrorism and organized crime, which can affect the reconstruction and stabilization process. Major international organizations,such as NATO, EU and UN, have set up varying types of Stability Police Units (SPUs), namely MSU, IPU and FPU, which are now regular actors in the area of crisis stabilization. To date the , Carabinieri have played a prominent and growing role in training and deploying these units in a world where the doctrine and best practices are in constant development.


This specific course aims to provide participants with ageneralized knowledge of doctrine and operations of exiting SPUs deployed in multinational operations under NATO, EU or UN mandate.


Up to 25 Police Officers and NCOs, preferably already possessing specific competences, eligible for deployment in a Stability Police Unit.


  • Stability Operations doctrine (NATO, EU and UN);
  • Multinational Specialised Unit (MSU);
  • Integrated Police Unit (IPU);
  • Formed Police Unit (FPU).


No scheduled edition


FROM16 May 2022
TO27 May 2022
English - 9th Edition
FROM08 Sep 2017
TO29 Oct 2017