Small wars, big data: The things we thought would help o en did not, and some mes seemed to make things worse

This brief workshop will illustrate the principles of asymmetric conflict empirical analysis and the ways in which it informs the development and implementa on of more effec ve stabiliza on policies and programs. 

Through several study cases, it will present the fundamentals of the informa on-centric model applied to counterinsurgency and stability policing. 

The no on that informa on flowing from noncombatants is a key resource in any theater of opera ons afflicted by asymmetric conflicts is a staple of both counterinsurgency (COIN) theory and stability policing doctrine. But what sets the informa on-centric approach apart is the precise means by which it leverages that informa on, and the insights into the various aspects that such an approach yield. Focusing on the complex rela onship between civilians, insurgents and the local government, the model presents ways to understand the complex rela onships and interac ons between these actors, which are paramount to the success of counterinsurgency and stabiliza on opera ons. 

How to achieve this? 

The answer is that the accumula on of small facts can lead to bigger answers.





No scheduled edition


FROM02 Jul 2024
TO02 Jul 2024