CoESPU Magazine nr. 2-2020

Dear CoESPU Magazine readers, the Coronavirus is still heavily influencing our lives globally, and we all hope that, all together, we will succeed in defeating this invisible and terrible enemy in the near future. Indeed, the cost we have paid and we are still paying so far in terms of human lives is excruciating.

In this context, my deepest and sincere hope is always that you and your dear ones are fine, healthy and safe!

As we all experienced, the pandemic has significantly affected our way of living, making us reconsider our priorities in every aspect of our daily life and routine. As I have already mentioned, here at CoESPU we were – and still are – directly involved in the front line to support the local Authorities and colleagues to contribute to helping alleviate the suffering of the distressed population, especially during the trying time of the lockdown of the entire Country. As an obvious consequence, we had to rearrange our course calendar, but what has not changed is our motivation to move forward. During the last 90 days we did a lot in terms of providing assistance and tutoring to our former students, giving them advice and follow up formation. In fact, our Alumni represent the backbone of our community, constituting the “CoESPU family”, no matter where they are located in the world.

As for our regular activities, we have made a great effort in taking the necessary measures so we can return to run our residential courses as soon and as safely as possible.    

Of course, another big effort has been made to publish this brand new number of the Magazine, rich with food for thought concerning the evolution of Peace Operations mandates. In particular, this 2020’s second edition offers a wide range of contributions from various qualified academics and practitioners in the field of Nation and Capacity Building processes, as well as of Peacekeeping and Mandate analysis.

Among other contributors, Andrea Fabi provides a meticulously researched history of UNIFIL, highlighting the mandate activities of this paramount UN mission. João Duque Martinho give us the point of view of Guarda Nacional Republicana, which deployed one FPU within the UN mission in Timor-Leste, highlighting all the challenges they have been facing. Nicola Carrera makes a thorough analysis of the nation building process, considering its key elements, focusing in particular on the consensus. Furthermore, Giuseppe De Magistris and Stefano Bergonzini elaborate on the importance of the Stability Policing and its role in the broad framework of the Nation Building. Moving towards another subject, Marco Sutto, after clarifying the essential elements of torture and cruel treatments, in order to implement at state level their prohibition, analyses the development of a national strategy. The “Health and well-being” section features an extremely topical article, where the author, Davide Perego, describes how the Coronavirus can cause psychiatric syndromes. Also related to the pandemic, in the “In Depth” section, Caterina Pino explains how the Coronavirus has been affecting the various UN missions. 

Finally, in the “Alumni” section, Colonel Haddou Zamani illustrates his experience at COESPU first as a student and then as a facilitator. While Colonel Julio Giménez Sisnàndez provides an article concerning the improvements among the UN components that should be accomplished to improve the effectiveness of Peace Operations, complemented by a reportage of his experience at the Center of Excellence.

Wishing you all a pleasant reading, my hope is, once again, that the whole world will soon be able to emerge from this nightmare that has chained us for so long.

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